Sunday, January 20, 2008

She's got legs

Well she has now , ive finished sewing them on tonight ready for making her arms tomorrow. Gail keeps trying to upset me by telling me the hands are going to be so hard and fiddlie and that's what were doing tomorrow, great i cant wait !!!!!!
Here is the picture of how she is at the minute.

Other news..... well last assignment was emailed last week and today Babs emailed me to say ive finsihed ,so im now fully qualified to teach adults ........yippee thought it was all over but there's talk about us doing a Cert Ed... like i say thought it was all over but thinking about it i will prabably do it , need a couple of months off to just teach rather than teach and write about it.
Another bit of news is that ive started tap dancing , yes your read that right tap dancing.Sharon , Gail and I went and we loved it , well Sharon and I did , Gails still trying to get her breath back so she can deside if she did or not. Anyway i will be there this week.


GlitteryKatie said...

She's looking fab Jean!! Those are some shapely legs!!! CAn you make me a pair :O)

monika said...

Stunning. Love the fabric for the legs. I cannot wait to see how this doll turns out. Might have to get me an art doll book.

Lyzzydee said...

This is stunning can't wait to see the finished doll